Synode, Plenum


Walking together toward the Protestant Church in Switzerland

According to the Constitution, the Synod is the supreme governing body of the Protestant Church in Switzerland. The Synod currently gathers 80 members, who represent their 25 member churches in this body.


The Synod is the legislative branch of the PCS and therefore decides on matters concerning the principles and nature of the PCS. It assigns tasks to the Council and deals with proposals presented to it by the Council. The Synod formulates suggestions for church life and fulfilling the church’s mission. It also determines the areas of action in which the PCS is to be active in the future, and takes note of legislative objectives.

The Synod meets twice a year – once in the summer and once in the autumn.

Origin of the word

The word “Synod” comes from ancient Greek and means “on the way together”. This reflects an important aspect of the churches gathered in the Synod of the PCS, namely how they together are a church.